This free resource page was created to share some things that make my life simpler and easier, as a mom, teacher and blogger. Hopefully, you’ll find something resourceful.  I appreciate the visit!

Check back monthly for updated tips, tools, and recommendations.

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Lifestyle Resources

Go Wise Electric Air Fryer

This electric air fryer has been a lifesaver! After a long day of teaching, my commute home can take anywhere from 45 minutes to over an hour.  The last thing I want to do is stand over a stove cooking for another hour. But since using the air fryer, that has all gone out the window. All I do now, I pop-in some chicken breast, season and press the recommended cooking options. In less than half an hour, dinner is served.

Electric Kettle

A while back I was having a hard time making my tea at work. We aren’t allowed to have microwaves in our classrooms, so I was running back in forth trying to make tea in the teacher’s lounge. One of my co-workers had this electric kettle. I tried it out and in less than 5 minutes, I had hot water for my daily tea time. That evening, I went to Wal-Mart and bought my own. Since then, I now use this electric kettle every morning for tea, or for my French press coffee maker. It has also helped with making dinner a breeze for sides like instant rice or mash potatoes.

Secure Stainless Steel French Press Coffee Maker

Now, if you want to experience the real taste of coffee -use a French press. With just the amount of time it takes you to drive to your nearest Starbucks, you can easily be saving $50 a month using a French Press to make your own flavored full coffee. My family and I even brought this particular French Press camping and was able to use over an open fire, so this is a must buy!

A couple of honorable mentions to go with your French Press: Peets Coffee, 100% Kona Hawaiian Coffee (if it doesn’t say 100% Hawaiian coffee than it’s not the real deal), Koffee Kult, or Deathwish Coffee, digital measuring scale, and coffee grinder.

RTIC Stainless Steel Tumbler

My boyfriend got this for me tumbler last Christmas and it is one of the best gifts I ever received. As a teacher, I didn’t always have the liberty to heat up my tea (remember what I mentioned in the Electric Kettle section). I would be teaching for an hour and come back to drink a sip of my hot tea from my regular old coffee mug and it would be ice tea.

I tried multiple coffee mugs and couldn’t find one that would last hot throughout the morning. But this tumbler stays hot for 6 hours. And if you want it to stay cold, it will stay ice cold for 24 hours! So gone are the days where I had to make multiple trips to the microwave to just to heat up my tea-or just to make my tea because at 30oz, this lasts me until beyond lunch!

Nutri-Ninja Blender/Food Processor

This blender perfected my protein shake smoothie recipe. On days when I was just wrapped up with lesson planning for work or taking time out for family activities, I would have a meal-replacement shake. The single-use cups that are provided make it simple for individual blending and a one-time-only shake for the day. I always fill my individual cups to the brim and would still easily get a smooth blended taste.

Blogging Resources


This is where it all started. When I took the plunge to start my blog, the first step was coming to Bluehost. Bluehost is a web hosting company, that for less than a tall chai tea latte at Starbucks, you can start your own blog. I remember I said a little prayer and I was all in and clicked to buy my plan. Bluehost walked me through every step to get up and running and I haven’t looked back since.

Read How to Start a Blog in 3 Steps


After a lot of blogging research, one particular resource kept coming up and that was ConvertKit. ConvertKit enables you to grow your email list and keep your readers engaged. I easily made the investment when I started my blog to grow my email list and use ConvertKit. It will definitely pay for itself in the long run.


I’ve always used Pinterest for back to school ideas to create my classroom into something magnificent. But when I found out about how blogging and Pinterest go hand in hand, I was ecstatic. There is so much useful information that I spend hours doing research for my blog.


At first I was very skeptical about Tailwind, an app that works with automating your Pinterest pins. I did not decide to use it right away because I felt like there was so much to learn and I just didn’t have the time.

But let me tell you…when I started utilizing Tailwind my blog traffic skyrocketed and I started to make affiliate sales. And when summer is over and I’m back to teaching, I need Tailwind to pin for me. It has been a lifesaver I didn’t know I needed. Try a FREE trial of Tailwind!

Make Money Blogging for Beginners– 

As a new blogger, I did a ton of research online but there were some things I just couldn’t figure out. For all the things you don’t know and cannot figure out I would recommend a blogging course and I would start with a a free course early on. Create and Go has some awesome courses that walk with you every step of your journey, from starting a blog to becoming a six-figure blogger. They have a free course that will then lead you to a their paid courses. They were pivotal in bringing my first income to my blog.

Ultimate Bundles- 

Ultimate Bundles offers amazing bundles of digital products for an insanely low price. You can get massively discounted bundles for 97% off! There is a little of everything and the various sales come around a couple of times a year. So make sure you get on the list to be notified, check it out!