Years ago when I did student teaching, my cooperating teacher had me observe classroom rules, routines, and procedures from a variety of teachers. This was one of the single most important things she had me do.
It was an effective task where I was able to observe and note not just how I wanted my future classroom to run, but definitely how I did NOT want it to run.
When I decided to develop my classroom management system it wasn’t even as close to how elaborate it is today. I just knew that I wanted my routines and procedures to be implemented with daily practice and ease.
First these are the basic questions to ask yourself when building your classroom routines and procedures:
- How will you gain student’s attention?
- How will students signal that they want help/attention?
- How will students obtain needed work materials and books?
- How will students transition to cooperative group work?
- What are the procedures for students needing to use the restroom or getting a drink of water?
- What will students be expected to do when they finish assignments early?
- What are your procedures for tardies or early dismissals?
- What are your procedures for turning in homework and passing homework and assignments back to students?
- What are your procedures for turning in late homework?
- How will you make sure your student understand the expected behavior?
- What will the consequences be if your students don’t follow the classroom expectations?
However, when you start working on your classroom rules (now called ‘agreements’) you want to decide if you will involve your students writing them together as a class.
Now, I tried this early on in my teaching career, but it didn’t stick. I no longer write classroom rules as a class and post them up anywhere in my classroom. You can read more about that here: Simple Strategies for Managing Classroom Behavior
Every teacher’s routines, procedures, and expectations are going to be different based on the student age group, school-wide rules – I mean agreements, and really just personal preference. The classroom routines and procedures for elementary school are going to look a lot different at the high school level.
While, I substitute taught every grade level and content area, my procedures and routines for middle school have led to a lot of positive classroom success. You honestly might have to try out a few things every year or even switch it up in the middle of the year if you find a certain routine just isn’t working – it’s okay. I’ve done it.
But always try to implement either at the beginning of the school year. If you do decided to change things up, let your student know that there will changes coming either at the beginning of a new quarter, semester, or after a break. It’s easier to implement this way, than to just spring it on them without notice.
Once you have all your routines and procedures together, put it in a presentation. I make mine in PowerPoint but you can use whatever presentation methods you feel most comfortable with.
The first day of school is when I always start my routines and procedures presentation and but as I go through as a class we practice and implement for a week. Then I give a partner/group quiz on paper or Kahoot and go over all expectations again but this time a lot faster while having students respond with answers.

Classroom Routines and Procedures Examples
This is a list of routines and procedures I put into my presentations:
- Entering/Exiting the classroom
- Turning in assignments & late work
- Attendance/Absent/Tardy procedures
- Lunch and/or Recess
- Bell-work/Do Now/Entry Task
- Finishing work early
- Use of classroom library
- Independent work time – asking for help
- Use of technology – laptop, tablet, cell phone
- Transitions and moving in the classroom
- Pencil Sharpening
- Organization (being prepared)
- Group/Project work
- Getting supplies
- Handing out papers
- School-wide expectations and rules
- Eating, drinking, chewing gum
- Emergency drills
- Heading papers and assignments
- Dismissal
- Bathroom policy
- Homework
- Assigning classroom jobs
- Behavior management – warning, action, contacting parents/referrals/infractions
Do you have a routine or procedure that you can add to the list? Please comment below!
For related readings, check out how I set up and organize my classroom!
Download a copy of my procedures template >>CLICK HERE!
I have learned a lot more from your site and would like to be updated regularly on classroom management strategies. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for stopping by! Make sure you get the classroom management checklist by signing up HERE! You’ll also get updates to frequent blog posts. Thanks you!!
I’d love the slideshow emailed to me! Thanks in advance.
Hi Gena,
I sent you an email. Let me know if you don’t receive it or have any questions!
I would love the slideshow emailed to me. Thank you for your hard work
Hi Kara, I emailed it to you, thanks!!
Can I get one too?
Hi Germyll, the link for the template was at the bottom of the article. If you didn’t get it, you can get it here ->
Thank you in advance!
So nice
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the detailed discussion of workable routines.
Thank you for stopping by. I’m glad there were helpful!
Thank you so much for share your knowledge of routines and procedures.
Thank you for stopping by, I’m glad you enjoyed them!
Thank you for sharing your routines.
Thank you💕
Thanks for visiting!
Are you able to send me a copy of your routines?
Hi, I just sent you an email!
I need help to set up a daily routine for my class.
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a copy of your classroom routines and procedures slideshow. I was looking through your website and I didn’t see it.
Thank you for all your resources!
Yes, I’ll email it to you. Thanks for visiting!!
Can i get It too?? I’m very happy if you wanna send It to mee
Yes, I’ll email it to you!
Can I get one too?
Copy of presentation sent!
Hello can I have a copy too? Thank you!
Yes, I sent you an email. Thanks!!
Can i get a copy too? thank you 🙂
Yes, I just emailed you! I’m sorry for the delay!
May I have a copy also?
Hi Natalie,
I sent you a copy of the presentation! Sorry it was sent so late! Thank you!
I would love to see the exact things you do for all these routines and procedure. It is all new for me as I am on my teacher training and will be starting my beginning placement after half term. I need to introduce my behaviour strategies first day as it is my target.
Hi Laureen!
I’ll be creating a video on these procedures that will be out next week, I’ll link the video in the blog post and let you know when it’s ready! Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel and check out this video on how I manage classroom behaviors in the meantime. Thanks for visiting!
Hello! I’m still a student and planning to be a future educator. I like how you plan routines and procedures in a classroom. Can I ask if I can get a copy of your presentation.
Thank you 😊
Hi Marla,
I sent you an email!
Thanks and thanks for being a future educator!
Thanks so much for the 24 examples of classroom and procedures which is very helpful to me as a new trainee secondary teacher.
Thank you for reading, I appreciate your comment. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to answer!
These routine would be of big help specially now that we are about to start setting the classrooms for f2f classes. Would you mind to share the slides for me to go over how’d you implement each routine? Thanks in advance.
Hi Jera,
I just emailed you the slides.
Thank you!
I’m a soon to be first year middle school teacher. Could you send me your presentation? 🙂
I just sent you the template!
I would love the slides explaining your procedures as well. Thank you!
Hi Michelle,
Just emailed you! Let me know if you have any questions.
I am starting my first year of teaching with 4th-8th grade after completing an undergrad in high school education. I am very excited but nervous…how do you choose and prioritize a few procedures to introduce on the first day / week to create a strong foundation for a positive classroom environment? Should there be different ones for the different ages?
Hi Andrew,
I feel like you should go through all of your procedures within the first few days of school so students can start to practice and work on them. Then if you need to make adjustments you can. For example, asking to go to the bathroom, knowing how to get a pass, turning in assignments, passing out papers, sharpening pencils… those things might be important first because they will happened early in the classroom. However, if you have a student chewing gum or wearing a hat and those things aren’t allowed at school or in the classroom, students need to know that so they don’t make the mistake of doing it again. There are different one for ages, for example secondary students don’t go to recess and necessarily have to line up and walk with a teacher to lunch or assemblies. So that would look different for a 1st grader. I have a first year back to school playlist here, check it out and good luck this school year! –
Hello Bianca,
Thank you for the comprehensive list of routines & procedures. This year will be my first year teaching middle school and would love to view your slideshow for inspiration. Thank you!
Hi Sumaya, I just sent you an email!
This was a great article. I’ll be referring new teachers to it. Would it be possible to get a copy of your PowerPoint? Thank you!
Hi Malinda,
I emailed you the template, sorry for the delay!
Hi Bianca,
I’m doing PGCEI and planning to be a future educator. I like how you plan routines and procedures in a classroom. May I ask if I can get a copy of your presentation.
Thank you and kindest regards
Hi Rana,
I just email it to you! Thank you for reaching out! I hope it helps.
Hi can I get the slides as well ? 🙂
Hi Cristina,
I sent you a copy of the presentation for procedures! I’m sorry it was sent so late! Thank you!
Im taking Field Study 2 now and one of the activity was to establish classroom routines and procedures. May I ask if I can get a copy of your presentation? Thank you!☺️
Hi Lisbeth,
I’m sorry, I sent it so late. Thanks!
Thank you so much for sharing these classroom routines. Love how you also included independent work time and a time to use gadgets. This is really helpful because it also allows the students to rest and process.
Thank you and I appreciate your comment! Thanks!
Can I have a copy of your presentation?
Hi Lindsey,
I just sent you a copy of the presentation!
Thank you so much for sharing routines and procedures. May I please have the slidesshow. Thank you.
I sent to your email.
Hi, I found your blog very inspiring. I am 1 semester away from student teaching. I was trying to view your presentation. Is there a way that I could get a copy of the presentation? Thank you.
Hi Keisha,
I emailed the presentation to you! Congrats on your future student teaching… Check out my free student teaching checklist in the teacher toolkit! Let me know if you need help accessing or have any questions.
Thank you!
Thank you! I love the specific routines and procedures you mention. A lot of times I see people talk about general feel of a classroom and I am someone who needs specific lists. This is exactly what I was looking for!
Could I have a copy of your slides?
HI, can you help me to answer this question how can a teacher establish and use teacher and students routines
Hi Mike,
My best answer to this is through observation. If you observe teachers at different grade levels, subject areas and so fort you can see what you (the teacher) would like to establish for your own routines. Next, you can also see what you think will work for you and your students. Once you have your own classroom, you can make adjustments that work for you and your students.
Hopefully that helps! Feel free to email me if you have any more questions –
May I also get your slideshow emailed?
Hi Jessica,
Here is the link to download-
I would like a copy of your slides. I appreciate your willingness to share your work. Also, I am curious what grade/class are these for.
Here is the link to get a copy –
I used them for 6th – 8th grade but you can adapt them. It will give you an idea on what expectations you would like to see if your classroom.