Teachers, it’s time to start updating your ultimate Amazon teacher wish list for Amazon Prime Day! I know, it’s still early summer, but you know we like to always be one step ahead with planning and being prepared. Before you know it, the first day of in-service professional development will be just around the corner.
As you are making your back to school planning list for the fall, get your Amazon wish list ready. We love a good deal on supplies and Amazon Prime Day is just what we need!
When is Amazon Prime Day?
This year, 2024, Amazon Prime Day is going to be Tuesday, July 16th and Wednesday July 17th! This is the second year after the pandemic that Amazon Prime Day went back to their usual July dates this year, but if you remember last fall, Amazon released another Amazon Prime Day in October; which is something they did during the pandemic and are possibly continuing. However, it’s too early to know if that is going to happen again, but I’ll keep you updated! For now, keep you Teacher Amazon wish lists ready!
Amazon Teacher Discount?
First, don’t fret that Amazon doesn’t have any teacher discounts. Besides showing teacher appreciation with just deals on items we want there is another way to make up for a that discount.
The biggest way to get more bang for your buck with Amazon is to sign up for a student account. That means you need an email address that ends with .edu. Then you can get Amazon Prime for FREE for 6 months and then only $6.49 a month or $59 a year! I used my email address from when I was working on my masters degree and that works just fine.
Once you get your Amazon account then you can start making your teacher wish list.

Where to Promote Your Ultimate Teacher Amazon Wish List?
Amazon Teacher Wish List Ideas
Here are some great supplies I fill my teacher wish list with:
1. Pencils
2. Post-Its
3. Flexible Seating
4. Dry Erase Markers
5. Crayons
6. Lamp
7. Cleaning Wipes
8. Kleenex
9. Wall Post-its
10. Markers
11. Multi-Colored Folders
12. Magnets
13. Index Note Cards
14. Highlighters
15. Clipboards
16. Rubber Stamps
17. Pens
18. Notebooks
19. Stapler
20. Pencil Sharpener
21. Desk Organizer
23. Hand Sanitizer
24. Timer
25. Glue Sticks
26. Lunch Bag
27. Scissors
28. Calculator
29. Water Kettle
30. Mini Fridge
Final Thoughts
Also, don’t forget to have a personal care pack wish list ready to go. Fill it up with essentials that you may need like: mirror, hair brush, lint roller, ibuprofen, tampons/pads, deodorant, mints, gum, floss, toothbrush, toothpastes, lotion, chap-stick, and anything else you might need to get your through the day.
A couple of things I had on my wish list in the past was a space heater and little blanket. Can you tell I’m always cold? 🙂 I also have a black jacket (use a neutral color) that I can put on if I spill coffee or food on my sweater or shirt. I can just throw that on to easily cover things up.
Please share your teacher’s Amazon wish list in the comment section below (give me a few days so I can approve the comment). Plus, check out some ways I use the the items on my Amazon wish list for my classroom organization! And don’t forget Amazon Prime Day 2024, is Tuesday, July 16th and Wednesday, July 17th!
What are some tips to get my wishlist fully funded. I’ve shared it on my social media but no luck.
Hi Domonique, You have inspired me to create a YouTube video for tips on how to get funded/promote. I’ll post the link here so you can refer back and post your link under the comment section of the video. Make sure you check Twitter if you aren’t already on there. That’s were I find a lot of #clearthelist help.
Please add your link here too! Thanks for the inspiration!
Such amazing resources and suggestions for a wishlist you have on your site Bianca.I hope you are having a great summer and that all teachers out there who see/read this post I hope you are having a great summer as well.
Hello! I am a 3rd grade teacher starting my first year. I would love and appreciate any donations/support.👩🏽🏫🍎 thank you, every little bit counts and my students will be so happy to receive donations for our classroom! 💞🎊🎉🥳 https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/4IXHK8DIFWWZ?ref_=wl_share
Hi Mariella,
Thank you! My summer has been very relaxing, I hope yours is too! Thank you for posting your list!
Hi Bianca,
I posted a comment earlier, but just remembered I need to add my list. Lol
This will be my second year teaching the 5th grade and would love to get my list funded.
Thank you
Hey there! I was truly inspired by your complete classroom series! I wasn’t sure if this thread was outdated but I thought..why not I teach second grade and after completing my internship last year I began teaching mid year. I have enjoyed your videos and found some extremely helpful tips. (Many notes have been written to put into action) https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2YNRXEQ7E8BN2?ref_=wl_share
Hi Victoria!
I update this post every year! Thank you for coming here to post and I hope we can get some resources funded!
Hi Bianca,
I started teaching in April 2022 and am teaching the 5th grade again in September. I would love to get my class list funded.
Thank you
Hi Sallie, thank you for posting. Hopefully we can get some items off your list! Good luck this school year!
Would love a little help for my classroom. New teacher here.
Thank you for posting. Hope to get some items removed from your list! #clearthelist
Starting at a brand new school teaching Elementary art to 800 students, and need lots of supplies. Thank you so much for your consideration!
Hi Melissa! Wow! 800 students! Hopefully we can clear some items from your list!
Thank you Bianca for helping teachers with our wish lists.
I have been teaching high school mathematics for 21 years, and this is my first time creating a teacher wish list. As an educator, I am passionate about providing my students with the best resources and learning experiences. However, due to limited funding, it can be challenging to acquire all the necessary materials. Any support for these materials would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Hi! I am starting a new adventure this year teaching all Spanish in a dual language 2nd grade classroom after 6+ years of teaching English. Any help is appreciated!
Hi Alma!
Oh wow! What a change! Thanks for stopping by and if I find any resources to help, I’ll send them your way!
Thank you for helping teachers. I am a middle school teacher as well. I have tried Twitter and Facebook for a few years with really not much luck. Please help me share my list. I would love some help. I appreciate it!!!
Hi Crystal, I’ll do my best, don’t forget to paste your link list under this video too! Thanks!- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNxSYbKz-Kk&feature=youtu.be
This is my first year making a wish list. Thank you for helping.
Hi Jodi,
Thanks for posting! I hope we van get some things cleared from your list!
Thank you for your help. I am a title one school teacher . This will be my 1st year teaching 4th grade. I always seem to have trouble getting things on my list purchased so any help is helpful.
Crystal Cothern
Hi Crystal,
Thank you for posting and let’s hope you get some items funded!
I did one list a few years ago and no luck. I usually buy my students what they need. this year, my household income is just me. I will try your recommendations to the T.
My students surely will appreciated. Here is my list and will see how it goes.
Thank you for posting Marie! I’ll continue to actively share and get the word out!
Hi there. I’m being moved from special education to regular education and grade level. From high school to elementary. I’m trying to make my room cheerful and positive. I’d love any help possible! Thank you!!
Wow, high school to elementary! Quite the transition, let’s get some hits to your wish list!
Thank you for sharing!
Hi, Thank you for the information it has been a big help! It’s always a challenge to keep a classroom supplied especially the primary classrooms. (1st grade teacher)
Thank you for posting and sharing your link!
I’m a first year teacher for first grade… my principal has assured me that supplies and furniture is very well supplied but the classroom is a blank canvas so I’m hoping to bring life to my classroom with the things on my wishlist!
Hi Kaitlin! That’s wonderful you have well supplied classroom! Thanks for posting your wish list!
Hi there! A community member in my school district created a Facebook page for the teachers to post their lists. Every teacher who posted their listed had some items purchased for their classrooms. I know there are tons of people who would love to help teachers. Like, share and keep posting your wishlists on social media sites! Best of luck and have a great school year.
Hi Ali, That is a great idea 🙂 Thank you and cheers to a great school year!
Thank you for doing this! As teachers it’s so humbling seeing everyone come together. I’m truly blessed to be in this profession. This will be my second year teaching. I teach from grades 1-5. Working 2 jobs to help pay off student loans and afford school supplies makes me want to work that much harder for my students. I would appreciate you taking the time to check out my wishlist. Thank you for being a bright light during these crazy times! Take care! https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/37F2X2J176WIV?ref_=wl_share
Vanessa, thank you so much! And thank you for posting. Good luck this school year and let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you so much!
Hi Bianca! I would love some help with my Amazon Teacher Wishlist! One of the big things I’m needing for my classroom is the coil binding machine and coils. I’m planning to use this to bind my student materials into workbooks – like a handwriting workbook, math workbook, reading workbook, and then to use this to make their end of the year memory books too. Thank you for any support you can help me with! Blessings, Becky
Hi Becky,
Thank you for sharing!
Hello everyone! I am a first time teacher who is looking to make an equitable and inclusive learning environment for all of my students. With any help, I am hoping to support all types of learners and make learning fun! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Anjelica!
Thanks for posting!
Hi Bianca
I just came across your blog tonight and I am so happy I did. I am a newly first grade teacher and I just so happen to come on your page looking for tips on create an Amazon wish list. Working in a title 1 school can be somewhat difficult when teachers are the ones who are providing supplies to them. Thank you so much for allowing us teachers to post to our Amazon wish list on your blog. You are extremely sweet for helping everyone. The education community is so strong!
Thank you!!
Hi Natalie,
Thank you for posting and such kind words. I wish you the best in your teaching journey and hope some things can clear from your list!
Hi! I am a wife and a mother of two boys. I am also a 5th Grade Teacher at Buffalo Trail Elementary. Every year I spend thousands of my own money for my students. If you can possibly help out, I would be so appreciative (so would my husband).
Hi Deborah,
I hope we can get some things to clear your list!, thanks for posting.
I am changing subjects in the fall and need things related to 8th grade Social Studies. It covers early American history. I have nothing related to this subject and also need organizing materials. I teach at a Title 1 school. I always end up buying supplies for my students.
Here’s my list:
Hi Angelia,
Wow, it’s difficult starting from scratch. Thanks for posting and I hope some items can get knocked off your list!
Hey. I just made my first wishlist. I came across your YouTube video and was inspired, so I also plan on make a video. Thanks for your help
Hi Brittany, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! I appreciate it!
I wanted to share my classroom Amazon list here. Any help would be appreciated as we prepare for our upcoming school year.
Hi Cristy,
Thank you for posting, let’s get some things cleared from your list!
Thanks for the video! It was very helpful as I’m struggling to get my list filled.
I have recently moved states due to a military move and I would love to get my list funded. I did create an account on Twitter so fingers crossed!
I am in NC teaching 3rd grade. Below is my link:
Thanks again for the tips!
Thank you, and thank you and your family for your service and sacrifice. Fingers crossed with you!!!
So sweet of you to help promote teacher wishlists.
Returning to the classroom after a break and looking to make this year and the next several amazing for all my littles.
Thank you!
Hi Erin,
I just hope it helps!! Thank you!!
Thank you!
Hi! Thanks for the tips and tricks! So many good good ideas! I am a math teacher in DC and need all the help I can get! Here is my list! Thanks!
Thanks Kimberly,
Hopefully we can get some items cleared!
Thank you so much for your help promoting classroom wish lists. This will be my 8th year teaching kindergarten. Here is my Amazon wish list of some things I need for my classroom, if anyone would like to donate for a great cause. Thanks for your help. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2HERE6ID7RYNQ?ref_=wl_share
Hi Angel,
Thank you for teaching Kinder! Let’s get some items cleared!
Thank you so much for your help. I was beyond grateful for your contribution. You are truly a wonderful person. Thanks again.
Thank you so much. I appreciate you!
Thanks so much for promoting teacher wishlists. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2HERE6ID7RYNQ?ref_=wl_share
Teach at a small 1A Title One public school in Central AL. Currently redoing my classroom theme as a carnival!
Hi Mattie, Oh wow carnival! Sounds like a fun classroom!! Hopefully we can get some items cleared from your list!
This is my second time creating a wishlist and I’m hoping to have more luck this year getting it cleared. This will be my 10th year teaching middle school. I teach Family and Consumer Science so we’re always making and doing something fun. Thanks for promoting wishlists!
Hi Kathrine,
Thanks for posting, hopefully we can #clearthelist for Back to School!
Hey Bianca, I love your YouTube videos and found it very helpful! Thank you so much for sharing your website and tips. I am a 5th grade teacher in Colorado and absolutely love it. I have posted my Amazon Wish List Below 🙂 Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi Kalyn!
Thanks for watching and thank you for posting. Hopefully we can get some items funded!
Hi!!! I am moving from 1st to 3rd and would love some help with my list! Thanks so much!!!
Thank you for posting and let’s get some items cleared!
My name is Amber, I’m a mom of 4 boys and I’ve been married for 17 years. Before the pandemic, I worked in the medical field. When my kids had to do virtual learning, I had to make the choice to give up my career so that we could keep their education a priority. When they went back to school, I decided to switch gears and work full-time for our school district.
The 2022-2023 school year will be my first year teaching! I’ll be a third grade teacher. Im so excited to work in our community.
I would be honored if you shared my Wishlist! The financial burden of starting a classroom on a first year teacher is huge, any help would be such a blessing.
🖤 Amber Kaltsas – Rhodes ES, Las Vegas
Hi Amber,
Thank you for sharing. Congrats in your teaching position! How exciting! Hopefully we can get some things funded!
P.S. I love Las Vegas!
Hi! Thank you for the support. I teach Kindergarten at a Title I school. My students and I are grateful for any help! Thanks again!
Hi Jasmine,
Thank you for posting! Hopefully we can get some items cleared!
Good Evening Bianca,
Thank you for all your assistance and allowing me to post my link in your forum.
Hi Christy,
Thank you for posting and I hope we can get some items cleared from your list!
Thank you for your help at posting teacher wish lists! I am a multigrade private school teacher and could use some resources to help make my classroom a great year!
Thank you for posting Kayla. Hopefully, we can get some supplies funded!
Thanks so much for sharing your tips. I’m hoping to get my lists shared. I’m a single mom and need help to provide the best for my students.
Hi Pamela,
Thank you for coming to post and let’s hope to get some of your items funded!
My name is Adrienne and I will be a first year 4th grade teacher in Kansas! The item that I need funded the most are my books. Thank you 🙂
Hi Adrienne,
Thank you for posting, hopefully we can get some of your books funded!
I will be a second year fourth grade teacher. This year my classroom theme is “travel the world/map”. I am so excited and I really want to love my classroom this year!! Any donations/gifts are very appreciated!! Thank you for doing this!
My #clearthelist wishlist is:
Thank you so much!
Hi Annie,
I love your classroom theme! Let’s #clearthelist!
If you can spare it, please consider donating an item or sponsoring our class with a set of items. Below are some classroom supplies that we would greatly appreciate! The school that I work at is a Title 1 school, meaning that the majority of students that I teach come from low-income households. I teach 8th grade Language Arts and have about 145 students that I see in six different classes. Many of my students struggle with academics, often from various learning disabilities. Thank you in advance for any donation you can make. It is very much appreciated by myself and the students! Your kindness, generosity, and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated. -Ms. Stanchina and her 8th grade ELA classes at Milwee Middle School
@amazon #clearthelist
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for posting! I taught middle school ELA for 10 years! Hopefully we can get some items cleared! #clearthelist Good luck to your scholars at Milwee Middle School this year!
Thank you for the great ideas! Thank you in advanced to everyone who is willing to support my 8th grade science classroom.
Hi Janie,
Thank you for posting and let’s #clearthelist
As we gear up for another exciting school year, I wanted to share my Amazon Classroom Wishlist as an 8th-grade American History teacher. It’s filled with resources and materials that will help make our lessons engaging and unforgettable for our students. If you’d like to check it out, your support would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Ross, thank you for posting your wish list! Hopefully we can get some items funded for you! #clearthelist
Hi Bianca, I’m so glad I stumbled upon your video and now your sight. Such awesome resources and tips! Thank you so much for all that you do! I am a school social worker and so my “classroom” looks a little different however I work with groups and work closely with the special education classrooms. Here is my list if anyone wants to take a peek and donate any mental health materials!
https://a.co/3QaByBk (Hoping this link works!)
Hi Ashley,
Thank you for posting!
Hello Bianca, I am so happy I found your blog. I recently had to move to a different district since my transfer fell through. I feel blessed that I was able to accept another job in the same grade level so quickly..BUT, I was not able to take anything with me and my new classroom does not have any teacher furniture. I am hoping through your blog I will be able to clear my list. Here is the link to my list incase someone want to take a peek. Thank you! Good luck to you this new school year. <3 Angie
Hello Bianca, I am so happy I found your blog. I recently had to move to a different district since my transfer fell through. I feel blessed that I was able to accept another job in the same grade level so quickly..BUT, I was not able to take anything with me and my new classroom does not have any teacher furniture. I am hoping through your blog I will be able to clear my list. Here is the link to my list incase someone want to take a peek. Thank you! Good luck to you this new school year. <3 Angie
Hi Angelique,
Thank you for stopping by and posting. I hope that we can be able to clear some items from your list!
Hi! My name is Lacy Trujillo and I am a 4th grade teacher in Taos, New Mexico. I would greatly appreciate any sort or help with my wish list. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Hi Lacy,
Hopefully we can get some items funded! Thanks for posting!
I’m a first year teacher for 6th grade Math in Missouri!
I started my list a few days ago and hope I can get my list cleared!
I love you video with the great tips and all your list ideas!
Thank you Alicia! Let’s get some items cleared!
Thank you for all your help!! I hope you are enjoying your summer!! You are inspirational 😊
Thank you Leigh, I hope we can get some items funded!
Thank you for all of your ideas! I’m a first-year teacher and need all the help I can get! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1W870MXEJO35R?ref_=wl_share
Thanks Zoe, I hope we can get some items funded!
I will be teaching kindergarten this year! I moved to a new school and new grade. My room is lacking lots of basics, and I could use help getting it supplied.
Hi Fern, good luck with your new changes! Let’s get some items funded!
I’m entering my 15th year and will be in 4th grade this year. We are encouraged to utilize flexible seating, which I have hardly anything! Hoping for some luck getting things purchased from my list!
Hi Rachel!
Let’s get some items funded!
Thank you for this opportunity!! I’ve posted my wishlist on several platforms with not much luck!
I’m a school counselor for a pre-k through 3rd elementary! There’s several items to make my room as calming as possible while also having more clerical necessities!
Hi Sarah, I hope we can get some items funded!
Hello and Thank You for your wonderful Blog!
I am a 5th year Special Education Elementary Teacher (k-5) in a Title 1 school. I would love any help I can get with items for our amazing students!
Hi Trinity,
Thank you for posting. I hope we can get some items funded soon!
Hi I am a first year 6th grade ELA teacher and am trying my best to build my classroom! It would mean so much to me if you would checkout/share my Amazon wish list. If not, that’s okay! Thank you so much 🙂 https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3G4A3ZHN366CF?ref_=wl_share
Hi Zoe,
Thank you for posting, I hope we can get some of your items funded soon!
Hello (:
I’m an 8th grade math teacher trying to get supplies to help students with annotating graphs and equations step by step.
Hi Victoria, I hope we can get some items off your list!
I teach second and third bilingual classes in a tittle 1 school. I hope I can get the support of all of you.
Thank you so much. I am not in social media other than Instagram.
Here is our link, if you can help; thank you so much.
Thank you for posting Lizbeth! Hopefully we can get some of your items cleared!
Hi! Before anything thanks for all that you do! As a teacher it’s awesome to be able to get ideas from others. I work in a low income rural school and I try to provide everything for my students so they won’t have to worry about expenses for materials. Anything you can help me to purchase would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Angela! I hope we can get some of your items cleared!
Hi Bianca,
I’ve been watching your videos on YouTube. Special Education teachers like yourself are so amazing and thank you for continuing to do what you do for your students and teachers! This year I am transferring to a new district and teaching a new grade level! I am nervous but excited as this is my ‘hometown’ district. With that being said, we have very little resources as I left them at my previous district. I am definitely going to use your video’s advice on where to promote my wishlist but I will leave it here also!
I hope you are enjoying your summer and some free time!
Hi Glory,
I hope we can get some items off your list! Good luck this school year and thank you for your kind words!
Hey and happy summer!!! Attached to this comment is my teacher Amazon wish list. This year I really want to implement flexible seating in my classroom to cater to my student’s learning styles. Thanks Bianca for the recommendations of where to post my wish list other than Facebook. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/Z2IHE11D9PQW?ref_=wl_share
Thank you Sybil! I hope we can help #clearthislist for you!
Hello Bianca!!
I will be teaching kindergarten again for my 10th year!! A lot of my classroom needs are because things need to be replaced now….worn out out items! I am a single income teacher over the age of 50 and with price increases on everything but no increase in pay makes it hard for me to purchase things for my classroom like I used to. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Here is my link…
Hello Natalie! Wow Kindergarten! I hope we can get some items cleared from your list!
Thank you for all you do! Praying to get my list funded as I move into a new classroom.
Hello Anna! Thank you for posting, hopefully we can get some items cleared!!
✏️🍎 I’m a special education prek teacher in Louisville KY and I serve students from at-risk, low income backgrounds. We would be so grateful for any kind of support! ❤️📓
Go SpED! Thanks Emily, I hope we can get some items cleared for you!
Special Needs In-Home Provider https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/X596K18OUYD1?ref_=wl_share
Hi Jessica, thanks for posting, I hope we can get some items cleared from your list!
Hello! I will be teaching 3rd grade this year, when I say I have no money after bills, and we won’t recieve funding for class supplies so I have to to somehow make this work. Any donations are helpful! I’ll like the Amazon list! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1HKSWF3381IQU?ref_=wl_share
Hello Chelsey,
Thank you for your post. Hopefully we can get some items removed from your list!
Any support is appreciated!
Thank you Melissa! I hope we can #clearthelist for you!
Thanks for these tips. I just created a list of materials I need in my STEAM Makerspace! I teach over 700 students each week at a Title 1 elementary school in CA. I am hoping to #clearthelist by beginning of August when we start the new year! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3N5NQW6C21WSV?ref_=wl_share
Hi Lisa,
Wow…700 students!! Let’s try to get some items #clearthelist for you!
Hello, I’m a first year teacher looking forward to teaching high school biology. The classroom I’m getting has little to no supplies and I’m hoping this community can help me out.
Thank you and I appreciate any support!
Wow, first year! So exciting! Hopefully we can #clearthelist for you!
Hi Bianca- Joining you in the #Clearthelist campaign! After 25 years of teaching and constantly spending to support my kiddos- i figured why not reach out nad ask for help. Thank you for doing this and promoting teachers everywhere!
Hello Christina! Hopefully we can get some items cleared for you!!
I’m a newbie to this wish list deal but what a grateful surprise to have my list mostly cleared last year!🥰 Gonna see what happens this year. Thanks for all your tips!
Nicol, Thank you for posting, hopefully more items can get cleared this year!
We teach Pre-K at a title one school. We are currently using a rug that is going on 20 years old. It is old, dirty, and needs to be replaced. I have created a registry to raise the funds to purchase the rug. If you can donate, any amount is appreciated!!
Ms. Misty and Mrs. Mickie’s Pre-K – Amazon Gift List – https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/1DL1YEAWP6G7E
Hello Mickie, Hopefully we can get your rug off your list this year! Thanks for posting!
Any tips on getting my Amazon Wishlist and Donor Choose funded?
I am a single mother with limited income and I am switching from Middle School Inclusion SPED at a Title I where I did not need a lot of materials since I did not have my own classroom to an Elementary SPED Resource position with hardly any materials. I am trying to make a calm down space in my room since I will be teaching SEL plus other materials I need. The Donors Choose is mostly materials for flexible seating and not on my Wishlist.
Amazon Wishlist:
Donors Choose:
Thank you Heather for putting both of your links! Hopefully we can get some items removed!
Moving back from middle school teacher to elementary school teacher this year! Any help making this shift would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you for your post! Good luck back in elementary!
Thanks so much for considering to donate to my firstie’s classroom! We truly appreciate it!
Thank you for posting Emily! I hope we can get some items off your list!
I love your youtube videos! Thank you for all that you do!
This will be my 18th year teaching, by 15th in Kindergarten. I LOVE teaching and cannot wait to start the year. Hoping I can get some needed items. Anything helps!
Again, thank you!
Thank you Kara!! Let’s get some items removed! Good luck in your 18th year!
Hello! I am a 1st grade teacher in Houston, Texas. I am going into my 7th year of teaching and would love any help possible to get my class ready for my upcoming babies. 💜
Yes Brittany! Hopefully we can get some items off your wish list!
I am a speech therapist/teacher working with special education students from preschool to 5th grade. I work in a district where our special education precious souls have almost doubled in the last two years. These visuals and hands on materials will help tremendously in teaching them the skills they need at their level! Thank you for your consideration. You are greatly appreciated!
Hello Ligia, Thank you for posting your list! Good luck this school year and I’m hopeful we can get some your of wish list items removed!
This is awesome and your tips were super helpful. Thanks for posting.
Hi Jessica, thank you! Hopefully we can help #clearthelist for you! Have a great school year!
I am working to start a brand new class that allows ALL students in the school the opporunity to make the world better. Help me give my students a calm and positive environment to learn empathy. Our class focuses on character, kindness and leadership. Thank you!!
Elizabeth, thank you for posting, hopefully we can get some items cleared! Good luck this school year! #clearthelist
Thank you SO much for all that you do! I am hoping for some help with my 32 4th graders! Thank you! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2ZQSGB7VWUIPB?ref_=wl_share
Christine, thank you for posting your list here! Wow, 32 students! Hopefully we can get some of your items removed! #clearthelist
Hi there. I teach all day Kindergarten in a small town in Montana (Columbus, MT). I am always looking to provide new and exciting activities for my Kinders to learn! I would greatly appreciate any classroom donations. Here is my Wish List:
Hello Jen!
Hopefully we can get some of your items funded. Let’s #clearthelist Thank you for posting, good luck this school year!
Hi! My name is Teylor. I am a 2nd grade teacher and I am heading into my fifth year of teaching! I teach at a school in Eastern NC with a high military population. I would love to have some help with clearing my wishlist! Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1MSVCZZ9WSAV8?ref_=wl_share
Hi Teylor, congrats on getting ready to start your 5th year teaching! Hopefully we can get some items removed! #clearthelist
Hello everyone,
I am the upper school teacher at Wellington Preparatory School. We are a small nonprofit school that operates primarily from donations in order to keep fees affordable.
We believe highly that our students can progress further with the use of a variety of resources and materials.
Below is a link with a list of school supplies on the wishlist for my students this year! We appreciate any assistance in the growth, development and education of our students.
Shipping address is:
Gully Express #26
6312 NW 97TH AVE STE 2
Miami, FL 33178-1645
Hi Tammy, thank you for posting your list and contact info! Hopefully we can get some items cleared!
Title 1 kindergarten teacher here! I love that so many are coming together to help us educators!
Hi Heather! Thank you for posting your list! #Clearthelist
Hi! My name is Jasmine and I’m a Kindergarten teacher at a Title I school in Texas! I’m excited for this upcoming year and am grateful for any support.
Hi my name is Melissa and I’m a homeschool teacher for my Kindergartener and Preschooler. My oldest also has special needs. Anything helps, thank you! 😊
Hi everyone. Thanks for this great post.
I am a 2nd grade teacher at a non-profit private school that I love and put my heart all in it. I love my students and our school family. However, we receive absolutely no funds, grants, or teacher donations. In 2023-2024 so far I almost spent $800 on student supplies, reading rug, student baskets, organizational items, etc. I would really appreciate some help so I am more capable to work with the right resources in a full-functioning and kid-friendly class.
I can’t thank you enough for doing this! I’m using a number of your ideas in my classroom!
Hi! I have just finished watching your YouTube video!! My name is Gracie Frank. I will be a first year 2nd grade teacher in August!! I have had a few members of my family help as much as they could! I am so excited to see my classroom become my second home for me and my students! Anything would be so appreciated!!! Goodluck to all the first years like me hoping to be an inspiration to their students!!
Hi!! I am coming here from YouTube!!! My name is Gracie Frank!! I will be a first year 2nd grade teacher in August!!! I am so excited to create a second home for me and my students!!! Teaching is all I have ever wanted to do!! There is so much negativity about being in education, but I truly believe with the right support system and love I will love it more than I thought I would have!!! I have listed my wishlist! Anything is appreciated!!!
Hi! I am a homeschool teacher. I will be teaching science to 2-3rd graders (9-10 in one homeschool co-op and up to 20 in another homeschool co-op) via a variety of experiments. Anything would help!
My wishlist for these homeschool co-ops are the following: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2C2IUOQEFVM93?ref_=wl_share
I just wanted to say that you are an amazing person for all you do to support other teachers. I have been an early childhood educator for eight years, and this will be my fourth year as a lead teacher in our Pre-K classroom. My priorities for the classroom are, in order: literacy, math, social-emotional learning, and then art resources. Thank you for your inspiration and dedication!
I am back in the classroom after 20 years, so I’m starting fresh – as if I’m a new teacher all over again. THANK YOU to anyone who chooses to assist me & my class!
Hi. Here’s my wishlist. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!😊